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Baby’s First Shoes

Looklooklooklook! I made these cute new shoes for Rebekah this morning. They were super simple and went together in minutes. First I tried it with fleece, to get the size right. The pattern(it is the poopockets 3 seam slipper pattern) only went to 6 months, so I made some adjustments.
I had a piece of cowhide that someone had wrapped a present for me in, years ago(The Farming Wife is a many faceted woman, after all) So I made the soles from that.

So cute and so was Rebekah high-stepping from never having had shoes on before. It was adorable. 🙂

Anyways, if you want to follow the pattern, it is very well explained, the only thing I would recommend is to sew the soles on by starting at the toe and going half way around, backstitching to hold it, then go back to the toe and go around the other half. It seems to make the sole lay nicer and fit better.

This is the trial run for a fancy pair that I want to make for her Christmas present list, so now I can look for some super flashy colored fabric.

3 thoughts on “Baby’s First Shoes”

  • Yes you do! Thanks. I am going to make her a jumper with that fabric and since it was sitting out, I had to use it. Funny how both of the little bears are exactly the same on both slippers. She is still wearing them so I guess they are a hit. I was thinking of making a pair and doing some appliqué on the toe. I wonder if I can figure out larger sizes for everyone else? They are so easy.

  • I am curious. How well do these stay on? I made some tonight and will use them for a gift. Cherylhttp://ldsmomtomany.blogspot.com/2010/12/3-seam-footies-poopockets-free-pattern.html

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