Home to Well Loved Goats and Gardens


Hi! Welcome to my favorite place on the web. Our family lives in Downeast, Maine, where we raise all the obligatory farm animals and have a good time.

The children have never gone to public school, which makes for an interesting family dynamic. As we go through our days, the struggles of daily life are rewarded with the closeness that we all have for each other. Well, the boys have a love/hate thing going on, but at the end of the day make peace and share the popcorn.

I have been freelance writing since 1995, starting out with parenting articles and being a stringer for a local newspaper, then morphing over to herbalism and gardening. Now, I write all over the web about gardening, herbs, cooking and sustainable farming/lifestyle. I do miss writing about parenting, but life is like that-you just have to go where it takes you.

This blog is primarily for me to *let my hair down* so to speak. It is where I can share my family, my kitchen, and whatever strikes my fancy. No deadlines!! You will not find any political or religious posts here. Those topics are inflammatory at their least, and divisive at their worst. If you would like to get down and dirty about that that sort of stuff, feel free to do a Google for those topics.

So, welcome again. If you like to garden, preserve your own food, scratch cook, homeschool, fill the pantry, raise goats, DIY, embrace the family life and laugh a lot (!), you will find all of that here. I try to behave but I am a little bit saucy..your children could read over your shoulder 98% of the time. Mine usually are. 🙂

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to getting to know you.

1 thought on “About”

  • Hi Amy! I just wanted to say thank you for following and supporting my blog. I remember your comment on the crispy paneer recipe that was so kind of you! Today is the last day of my blog but I’m going to continue enjoying your new posts 🙂 Thank you so much

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