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Digging Out The Recipes

So, I am working on the new book’s TOC (Table of Contents), and this means dragging out my cookbooks. When I say cookbooks, I mean books, magazines, strips of paper, napkins with jottings on them and other various ~crazy woman~ clippings from years of playing 

Back In The Goatmilk Game

What a wonderful day! We were surprised to find that Jessie, one of our first timers, had kidded this morning! I knew it was soon, but with the new moms, they don’t have as obvious signals like clearly dropping, milk coming in, and personality changes. 

Dusting Off The Blog To Talk Crepes

Dusting Off The Blog To Talk Crepes

Rebekah’s First Christmas So sorry! December gets away from me every year. . I admit that the holidays get me really stressed out. It all starts with making lists of things to make, then I have to make them. With all the kids on the